Power. Passion. Purpose.
After 15 years behind the lens, Michael Cavotta has become one—focusing & directing
the light he reveals in others.
After 15 years behind the lens, Michael Cavotta has become one—focusing & directing the light he reveals in others.
Seeing as the rest of this website is written in the third person, I thought I would kick things off on a more personal note.
I'm not sure what brought you here yet. Maybe you're looking for the Headshot Whisperer—or maybe you heard about the off-camera authenticity and men's coaching experiences I lead.
Whatever it is that brought you here, odds are you can trace it back to a sense that you were meant for more: more CONNECTION, more PRESENCE, more IMPACT...more of the things that really matter—and for which things are no real substitute.
Fortunately, everything more could represent in the context of your life can be yours—as long as you're willing to be more.
Camera on or camera off, I want to be the last person seen hanging out with your lesser self.
So before we get into
your "Declaration of More," why don't we set the stage with a free sneak preview of my upcoming book?
Well done! Your download link is on the way.
PS: Be sure to check your junk folder if you don't see something from me shortly.
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Ready to see yourself through a different kind of lens?
Michael Cavotta’s inside-out approach to authenticity isn’t about the light he puts on you—it’s about the fire he ignites in you.
Part meditation, part manifesto, Michael Cavotta’s
Chasing Light is a tool wrapped in a tale about the transformational power of truth.
When you look in the mirror, are you setting the standard—or falling short?
Michael helps men connect to their own version of the authentic power that has him in the best shape of his life.
Michael is currently the #1 M55 masters shot putter in the world—as a stage II cancer patient.
Our world is illuminated by a visible spectrum that accounts for less than .01% of all light. In other words, what we perceive as darkness contains over 99.99% of all light in the universe.